
If you are a cheese maker, dairy product processor or someone just interested in cheese making as a hobby, you have come to the right website!

We supply to the dairy industry and cheese enthusiasts alike, an enormous range of products.

We are now the main supplier to the UK and Irish dairy industry with a vast range of products. We can also provide advice to businesses as well as those who make cheese as a hobby or pastime.

What our customers say:
“Jaap is very helpful, and often has small scale second hand vats available, as well some new budget 100 and 200 litre vats, and will give you advice on the equipment you need, depending on what cheese you are intending to make. His short tours to dairies in Europe are also well worth while. His website is great. He is well worth a chat.”
High Weald Dairy, Tremains Farm.

“You are a bit of a legend in our Artisan Cheese circle here in Australia, no one on our shores can deliver the quality of cheese vat and equipment that you do nor do they understand the needs of small artisan cheese makers that do not have the budget of the Australian Dairy Giants. We all look forward to meeting you and hearing about your experiences in the Dairy industry and companies and products you represent.”

Alija Fiebiger, Australia

Contact us if you need advice or supplies regarding:

      • Cheese making equipment
      • Cheese vats
      • Cheese presses
      • Cheese moulds
      • Specialist cheese equipment, like blue cheese piercers
      • Dairy processing equipment in general
      • Dairy Ingredients – cheese cultures, rennet, seasonings
      • Packaging – soft cheese foil, yoghurt lids, butter foil
      • Cleaning equipment and chemicals

Also available, equipment for application of foam, hose reels and all other accessories necessary to keep your plant clean!

Please contact us for quotes, advice, major equipment contracts or further information on any of the companies and products on our website. Even if it is not on our website, we can certainly source it!

Top quality products at competitive prices!

Specialist Cheesemakers Association


Jongia UK has carefully selected key partners to ensure the very best products and services are available for excellent results:


Ingredients are what will make your products the best in market, so we need to make the very best available to you:


You’ll want to be sure that you present your finished products with quality written all over it, so need to help you make that happen: